Seminar and Workshop
Seminar: “Genome analysis in Bioinformatics and Multidisciplinary Field”
Dear friends and colleagues, FMIPA UI through Department of Mathematics in collaboration with SATREPS invites your participation in the MIPATalk series 8 Season III with title: “Genome analysis in Bioinformatics and Multidisciplinary Field” Speakers: [...]
ASIIN Accreditation of Undergraduate Program of Mathematics
The Undergraduate Program of Mathematics of Universitas Indonesia has got ASIIN Accreditation. The Undergraduate Program of Mathematics of Universitas Indonesia is aligned to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL). The [...]
Workshop on PDEs and Dynamical Systems
Workshop on PDEs and Dynamical Systems Date: 8-9 August 2022 Venue : Department of Matematika FMIPA UI Register:
Schedule of Thesis Defense Academic Year 2021/2022
Panduan ujian skripsi/tesis Permulaan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022: Ujian akan dilaksanakan secara online dengan menggunakan MS Teams. Harap mahasiswa membiasakan diri menggunakan MS Teams ketika melakukan bimbingan skripsi. Ujian terdiri atas sesi pembuka (5 - 10 [...]