To support the smooth running of educational activities at the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UI, it is necessary to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure. Department of Mathematics FMIPA UI has an education laboratory, a research laboratory, and a library/reading room.
Until 2011, the Department of Mathematics had 5 computing laboratory rooms with 90 PCs and workstations. All laboratory rooms are connected to LAN and WAN facilities that can access the internet. Each PC and workstation is equipped with supporting software such as Matlab, Maple, Lingo, Visual Basic, Visual/Borland C++, Delphi, Oracle, Java, SAS, SPSS, Splus, and others.
Computers in this computing laboratory are also connected to 2 servers with different domains, namely Linux and Windows NT. In addition, the Department of Mathematics also has a lab with 16 SUN workstations.
In mid-2011, a laboratory with 50 PC donations from alumni of the Department of mathematics was inaugurated. It was used for practicum for basic courses. Currently, the laboratory can be used by regular undergraduate students and regular master’s degree students from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Universitas Indonesia has a central library which is an integrated system that offers access to the collections provided, such as book collections, magazine collections, non-book collections, electronic article collections, and electronic book collections. The university library subscribes to electronic books and electronic articles that allow every UI student to access through the portal. Meanwhile, FMIPA UI provides a computer room for access via the
In addition, Department of Mathematics students are facilitated with 5 Research Laboratories. They are equipped with reading rooms that have more than 8000 book collections, 19 international journals, and 5 national journals. Department of Mathematics also collected the thesis produced by all students. The reading room is also equipped with e-library and documentation services using the Computerized Documentation Service/Integrated Set of Information System (CDS/ISIS).