Seminar and Workshop
International Workshop on Mathematical Epidemiology 2021: Series 1
Mathematical Modelling Research Group Department of Mathematics FMIPA Universitas Indonesia International Workshop on Mathematical Epidemiology 2021: Series 1 Prof. Thomas Goetz - Koblenz University, Germany Dr. rer. nat. Karunia Putra Wijaya - Koblenz University, [...]
Guest Lecture “Ordered Coding” dan “Aljabar dalam Teori Pengkodean”
Combinatorics and Algebra Research Group Friday, 12 March 2021
Guest Lecture: “Bilangan Ramsey Multipartit-himpunan”
Combinatorics and Algebra Research Group Department of Mathematics FMIPA Universitas Indonesia Guest Lecture: "Bilangan Ramsey Multipartit-himpunan" - Prof. Dr. Syafrizal Sy (UNAND)
Excellent Accreditation for S1 Mathematics Study Program, FMIPA UI
Based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 13445/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/XII/2021, the Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program of FMIPA UI meets the ranking requirements: Excellent Accreditation. Based on the decree, the validity period [...]