
To become a strong institution at the national level and to be recognized at the international level, in the fields of education and research of statistics and its application, as well as to produce graduates who are competent in the mastery of knowledge, competent in the field of work, and have good managerial abilities.


  1. To produce graduates who are able to follow and adapt to the developments of statistics and their applications, as well as science and technology.
  2. To support and develop research activities of statistics and their application in all fields.
  3. Provide information, training, services, and consulting in the field of statistics and its applications that can assist the public in solving problems related to statistics and its applications.


  1. Understand statistical and actuarial concepts and methods to solve theoretical and applied problems.
  2. Able to learn independently and adapt to the development of concepts and methods in statistics and actuary to solve new theoretical and applied problems
  3. Having good professional ethics that are supported by critical and logical analytical power in the application of statistics and actuary.
  4. Able to work together, communicate, and be responsible according to their respective fields of knowledge, both nationally and internationally.